Calculates a generalized regression estimator for a finite population mean/proportion or total based on sample data collected from a complex sampling design and auxiliary population data.
pi = NULL,
model = "linear",
pi2 = NULL,
var_est = FALSE,
var_method = "LinHB",
datatype = "raw",
modelselect = FALSE,
lambda = "lambda.min",
B = 1000,
fpc = TRUE,
messages = TRUE
- y
A numeric vector of the sampled response variable.
- xsample
A data frame of the auxiliary data in the sample.
- xpop
A data frame of population level auxiliary information. It must contain the same names as xsample. If datatype = "raw", must contain unit level data. If datatype = "totals" or "means", then contains one row of aggregated, population totals or means for the auxiliary data. Default is "raw".
- pi
A numeric vector of inclusion probabilities for each sampled unit in y. If NULL, then simple random sampling without replacement is assumed.
- model
A string that specifies the regression model to utilize. Options are "linear" or "logistic".
- pi2
A square matrix of the joint inclusion probabilities. Needed for the "LinHT" variance estimator.
- var_est
A logical indicating whether or not to compute a variance estimator. Default is FALSE.
- var_method
The method to use when computing the variance estimator. Options are a Taylor linearized technique: "LinHB"= Hajek-Berger estimator, "LinHH" = Hansen-Hurwitz estimator, "LinHTSRS" = Horvitz-Thompson estimator under simple random sampling without replacement, and "LinHT" = Horvitz-Thompson estimator or a resampling technique: "bootstrapSRS" = bootstrap variance estimator under simple random sampling without replacement. The default is "LinHB".
- datatype
A string that specifies the form of population auxiliary data. The possible values are "raw", "totals" or "means" for whether the user is providing population data at the unit level, aggregated to totals, or aggregated to means. Default is "raw".
- N
A numeric value of the population size. If NULL, it is estimated with the sum of the inverse of the pis.
- modelselect
A logical for whether or not to run lasso regression first and then fit the model using only the predictors with non-zero lasso coefficients. Default is FALSE.
- lambda
A string specifying how to tune the lasso hyper-parameter. Only used if modelselect = TRUE and defaults to "lambda.min". The possible values are "lambda.min", which is the lambda value associated with the minimum cross validation error or "lambda.1se", which is the lambda value associated with a cross validation error that is one standard error away from the minimum, resulting in a smaller model.
- B
The number of bootstrap samples if computing the bootstrap variance estimator. Default is 1000.
- fpc
Default to TRUE, logical for whether or not the variance calculation should include a finite population correction when calculating the "LinHTSRS" or the "SRSbootstrap" variance estimator.
- messages
A logical indicating whether to output the messages internal to mase. Default is TRUE.
A list of output containing:
* pop_total: Estimate of population total.
* pop_mean: Estimate of the population mean (or proportion).
* weights: Survey weights produced by GREG (linear model only).
* pop_total_var: Estimated variance of population total estimate.
* pop_mean_var: Estimated variance of population mean estimate.
Cassel C~M, Sarndal C~E, Wretman J~H (1976). “Some results on generalized difference estimation and generalized regression estimation for finite populations.” Biometrika, 63, 615–620.
Sarndal C~E, Swensson B, Wretman J (1992). Model Assisted Survey Sampling. Springer-Verlag, New York.
#> Attaching package: ‘dplyr’
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
xsample <- filter(IdahoSamp, COUNTYFIPS == "16055")
xpop <- filter(IdahoPop, COUNTYFIPS == "16055")
greg(y = xsample$BA_TPA_ADJ,
N = xpop$npixels,
xsample = xsample[c("tcc", "elev")],
xpop = xpop[c("tcc", "elev")],
var_est = TRUE,
var_method = "LinHB",
datatype = "means")
#> Assuming simple random sampling
#> $pop_total
#> [1] 39521557
#> $pop_mean
#> [1] 94.40847
#> $pop_total_var
#> [1] 6.478447e+12
#> $pop_mean_var
#> [1] 36.9679
#> $weights
#> [1] 8060.960 6489.037 6929.206 3145.983 8041.396 3737.945 5687.480 3577.979
#> [9] 3020.678 1690.956 2427.990 6469.919 3123.403 4879.079 2639.280 2624.305
#> [17] 1954.575 1186.989 3207.814 8886.670 3196.904 1876.082 4186.524 3406.140
#> [25] 5158.757 2823.357 2449.285 4110.968 1848.589 8638.148 3758.716 4917.963
#> [33] 2738.744 2695.673 1852.252 2086.525 2920.164 2799.124 7854.180 4707.118
#> [41] 5730.753 1262.825 4115.680 4101.833 7274.657 2607.800 2055.045 2659.727
#> [49] 1947.451 4639.413 3681.351 4315.134 3403.483 4823.892 1674.373 7991.121
#> [57] 2524.517 6087.918 1799.399 5632.293 2457.738 3312.270 6021.943 5538.423
#> [65] 3995.847 6102.368 3174.927 4497.681 4476.307 2101.377 6093.312 5503.605
#> [73] 1478.582 2305.018 2687.543 2518.520 3852.988 5259.550 2145.174 5314.536
#> [81] 5218.411 3132.459 7656.256 3177.261 8595.077 3461.808 2174.599 2428.715
#> [89] 3508.262 3680.625 5900.982 5897.923 3362.667 2789.342 9305.020 5559.150
#> [97] 5000.197 8538.360 7337.170 2925.479
#> $coefficients
#> (Intercept) tcc elev
#> -30.26159045 0.79210774 0.09679431