Model Guidance

Kelly McConville

Stat 100
Week 8 | Fall 2023


  • Oct 30th: Hex or Treat Day in Stat 100
    • Wear a Halloween costume and get either a hex sticker or candy!!

Goals for Today

  • Finish up: Regression with polynomial explanatory variables
  • Modeling guidance
  • Sampling variability
  • Sampling distributions

Which Are You?

Data Visualizer

Data Wrangler

Model Builder

Linear Regression

Model Form:

\[ \begin{align} y &= \beta_o + \beta_1 x_1 + \beta_2 x_2 + \cdots + \beta_p x_p + \epsilon \end{align} \]

Linear regression is a flexible class of models that allow for:

  • Both quantitative and categorical explanatory variables.

  • Multiple explanatory variables.

  • Curved relationships between the response variable and the explanatory variable.

  • BUT the response variable is quantitative.

Example: Movies

Let’s model a movie’s critic rating using the audience rating and the movie’s genre.

movies <- read_csv("")

# Restrict our attention to dramas, horrors, and actions
movies2 <- movies %>%
  filter(Genre %in% c("Drama", "Horror", "Action")) %>%
  drop_na(Genre, AudienceScore, RottenTomatoes)
Rows: 313
Columns: 16
$ Movie            <chr> "Spider-Man 3", "Transformers", "Pirates of the Carib…
$ LeadStudio       <chr> "Sony", "Paramount", "Disney", "Warner Bros", "Warner…
$ RottenTomatoes   <dbl> 61, 57, 45, 60, 20, 79, 35, 28, 41, 71, 95, 42, 18, 2…
$ AudienceScore    <dbl> 54, 89, 74, 90, 68, 86, 55, 56, 81, 52, 84, 55, 70, 6…
$ Story            <chr> "Metamorphosis", "Monster Force", "Rescue", "Sacrific…
$ Genre            <chr> "Action", "Action", "Action", "Action", "Action", "Ac…
$ TheatersOpenWeek <dbl> 4252, 4011, 4362, 3103, 3778, 3408, 3959, 3619, 2911,…
$ OpeningWeekend   <dbl> 151.1, 70.5, 114.7, 70.9, 49.1, 33.4, 58.0, 45.3, 19.…
$ BOAvgOpenWeekend <dbl> 35540, 17577, 26302, 22844, 12996, 9791, 14663, 12541…
$ DomesticGross    <dbl> 336.53, 319.25, 309.42, 210.61, 140.13, 134.53, 131.9…
$ ForeignGross     <dbl> 554.34, 390.46, 654.00, 245.45, 117.90, 249.00, 157.1…
$ WorldGross       <dbl> 890.87, 709.71, 963.42, 456.07, 258.02, 383.53, 289.0…
$ Budget           <dbl> 258.0, 150.0, 300.0, 65.0, 140.0, 110.0, 130.0, 110.0…
$ Profitability    <dbl> 345.30, 473.14, 321.14, 701.64, 184.30, 348.66, 222.3…
$ OpenProfit       <dbl> 58.57, 47.00, 38.23, 109.08, 35.07, 30.36, 44.62, 41.…
$ Year             <dbl> 2007, 2007, 2007, 2007, 2007, 2007, 2007, 2007, 2007,…

Coming Back to Our Exploratory Data Analysis

ggplot(data = movies2,
       mapping = aes(x = AudienceScore,
                     y = RottenTomatoes,
                     color = Genre)) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.5) +
  stat_smooth(method = lm, se = FALSE, 
        formula = y ~ poly(x, degree = 2))

Fitting the Polynomial Model

mod2 <- lm(RottenTomatoes ~ poly(AudienceScore, degree = 2, raw = TRUE) + Genre, data = movies2)
get_regression_table(mod2, print = TRUE) 
term estimate std_error statistic p_value lower_ci upper_ci
intercept 20.917 10.851 1.928 0.055 -0.434 42.267
poly(AudienceScore, degree = 2, raw = TRUE)1 -0.259 0.377 -0.687 0.492 -1.000 0.482
poly(AudienceScore, degree = 2, raw = TRUE)2 0.010 0.003 3.284 0.001 0.004 0.016
Genre: Drama 5.867 2.420 2.424 0.016 1.105 10.630
Genre: Horror 2.237 3.047 0.734 0.463 -3.758 8.233

Linear Regression & Curved Relationships

Form of the Model:

\[ \begin{align} y &= \beta_o + \beta_1 x_1 + \beta_2 x_2 + \cdots + \beta_p x_p + \epsilon \end{align} \]

But why is it called linear regression if the model also handles for curved relationship??

Model Building Guidance

What degree of polynomial should I include in my model?

Guiding Principle: Capture the general trend, not the noise.

\[ \begin{align} y &= f(x) + \epsilon \\ y &= \mbox{TREND} + \mbox{NOISE} \end{align} \]

Returning the 2008 Election Example:

Model Building Guidance

Shouldn’t we always include the interaction term?

Guiding Principle: Occam’s Razor for Modeling

“All other things being equal, simpler models are to be preferred over complex ones.” – ModernDive

Guiding Principle: Consider your modeling goals.

  • The equal slopes model allows us to control for the intensity of the light and then see the impact of being in the early or late timing groups on the number of flowers.

  • Later in the course will learn statistical procedures for determining whether or not a particular term should be included in the model.

What if I want to include more than 2 explanatory variables??

Model Building Guidance

We often have several potential explanatory variables. How do we determine which to include in the model and in what form?

Guiding Principle: Include explanatory variables that attempt to explain different aspects of the variation in the response variable.

movies2 %>%
  select(RottenTomatoes, AudienceScore, OpeningWeekend, 
         DomesticGross, Genre) %>%

Model Building Guidance

We often have several potential explanatory variables. How do we determine which to include in the model and in what form?

Guiding Principle: Include explanatory variables that attempt to explain different aspects of the variation in the response variable.

mod_movies <- lm(RottenTomatoes ~ AudienceScore + DomesticGross + Genre, data = movies2)
get_regression_table(mod_movies, print = TRUE)
term estimate std_error statistic p_value lower_ci upper_ci
intercept -12.472 4.083 -3.055 0.002 -20.506 -4.439
AudienceScore 0.975 0.072 13.590 0.000 0.834 1.117
DomesticGross -0.006 0.015 -0.431 0.667 -0.035 0.023
Genre: Drama 6.117 2.644 2.314 0.021 0.916 11.319
Genre: Horror 2.058 3.141 0.655 0.513 -4.121 8.238

Model Building Guidance

We often have several potential explanatory variables. How do we determine which to include in the model and in what form?

Guiding Principle: Use your modeling motivation to determine how much you weigh interpretability versus prediction accuracy when choosing the model.

Model Building

  • We will come back to methods for model selection.

  • Key ideas:

    • Determining the response variable and the potential explanatory variable(s)
    • Writing out the model form and understanding the terms
    • Building and visualizing linear regression models in R
    • Comparing different potential models

Shift Gears: Statistical Inference

The ❤️ of statistical inference is quantifying uncertainty

ce <- read_csv("data/fmli.csv")
summarize(ce, meanFINCBTAX = mean(FINCBTAX))
# A tibble: 1 × 1
1       62480.

The ❤️ of statistical inference is quantifying uncertainty

ce <- read_csv("data/fmli.csv")
summarize(ce, meanFINCBTAX = mean(FINCBTAX))
# A tibble: 1 × 1
1       62480.

Now we need to distinguish between the population and the sample

  • Parameters:
    • Based on the population
    • Unknown then if don’t have data on the whole population
    • EX: \(\beta_o\) and \(\beta_1\)
    • EX: \(\mu\) = population mean
  • Statistics:
    • Based on the sample data
    • Known
    • Usually estimate a population parameter
    • EX: \(\hat{\beta}_o\) and \(\hat{\beta}_1\)
    • EX: \(\bar{x}\) = sample mean

Quantifying Our Uncertainty

R has been giving us uncertainty estimates:


ggplot(Pollster08, aes(x = Days,
                       y = Margin, 
                       color = factor(Charlie))) +
  geom_point() +
  stat_smooth(method = "lm", se = TRUE) +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")

Quantifying Our Uncertainty

R has been giving us uncertainty estimates:

modPoll <- lm(Margin ~ Days*factor(Charlie), data = Pollster08)
# A tibble: 4 × 7
  term                  estimate std_error statistic p_value lower_ci upper_ci
  <chr>                    <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
1 intercept                5.57      1.09       5.11       0    3.40     7.73 
2 Days                    -0.598     0.121     -4.96       0   -0.838   -0.359
3 factor(Charlie): 1     -10.1       1.92      -5.25       0  -13.9     -6.29 
4 Days:factor(Charlie)1    0.921     0.136      6.75       0    0.65     1.19 

Quantifying Our Uncertainty

The news and journal articles are also giving us uncertainty estimates:

Quantifying Our Uncertainty

The news and journal articles are also giving us uncertainty estimates:

Statistical Inference

Goal: Draw conclusions about the population based on the sample.

Main Flavors

  • Estimating numerical quantities (parameters).

  • Testing conjectures.


Goal: Estimate a (population) parameter.

Best guess?

  • The corresponding (sample) statistic

Example: Are GIFs just another way for people to share videos of their pets?


Want to estimate the proportion of GIFs that feature animals.


Key Question: How accurate is the statistic as an estimate of the parameter?

Helpful Sub-Question: If we take many samples, how much would the statistic vary from sample to sample?

Need two new concepts:

  • The sampling variability of a statistic

  • The sampling distribution of a statistic

Let’s learn about these ideas through an activity! Go to

Sampling Distribution of a Statistic

Steps to Construct an (Approximate) Sampling Distribution:

  1. Decide on a sample size, \(n\).

  2. Randomly select a sample of size \(n\) from the population.

  3. Compute the sample statistic.

  4. Put the sample back in.

  5. Repeat Steps 2 - 4 many (1000+) times.

Sampling Distribution of a Statistic

  • Center? Shape?

  • Spread?

    • Standard error = standard deviation of the statistic
  • What happens to the center/spread/shape as we increase the sample size?

  • What happens to the center/spread/shape if the true parameter changes?