background-image: url("img/logo_padded.001.jpeg") background-position: left background-size: 60% class: middle, center, .pull-right[ <br> ## .base_color[More `shiny`] ## .base_color[Applications/Dashboards] <br> #### .navy[Kelly McConville] #### .navy[ Stat 108 | Week 7 | Spring 2023] ] --- ## Announcements * No sections this week! * Let's discuss Project 1. * No lecture quiz this week. :) ************************ ## Week's Goals .pull-left[ **Mon Lecture** * Interactive web applications with `shiny`. ] .pull-right[ **Wed Lecture** * More `shiny`. * Dashboarding with `flexdashboard`. ] --- ### Recap * **Inputs**: What user manipulates + Text + Sliders + Dropdown menus + Action buttons * **Output**: What changes based on user's selections + Graphs + Maps + Tables + Text * Use **reactive programming** + Update outputs when inputs change --- ### `shiny` Recap -- Main Components * **UI**: User interface + Defines how your app **looks** * **Server function** + Defines how your app **works** ```r library(shiny) # User interface ui <- fluidPage() # Server function server <- function(input, output){} # Creates app shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server) ``` --- ### Building Outputs Server-side: * Save the object with `output$___`. * Use a `render___({})` function to create the object. + Look at cheatsheet for examples. * Access inputs with `input$___`. UI-side: * Place output with `___Output()`. #### Troubleshooting common issues: * Must comma separate all the elements in the `ui`. * But don't add a comma after the last element in the `ui`. --- ## More Reactivity: `observe()` * Let's look at another app in the shared folder. + Within the ShinyApps folder, it is in "app_biketown". * Features `leaflet` functions and `observe()`. * Need to use `leafletProxy()` so that the entire map isn't redrawn with each update to the inputs. --- ### Adding Source Code to the Dashboard Create a `DESCRIPTION` text file with this text: Title: Stat 108 Names Author: Kelly McConville AuthorUrl: DisplayMode: Showcase Type: Shiny --- ### Uploading to * Go to []( * Create an account or sign in with your GitHub username. * Install `rsconnect`. ```r install.packages('rsconnect') ``` ```r library(rsconnect) ``` --- ### Uploading to * Configure `rsconnect`. ```r setAccountInfo(name="<ACCOUNT>", token="<TOKEN>", secret="<SECRET>") ``` * Deploy app. (This will take a couple minutes.) ```r # Include correct file path deployApp("ShinyApps/biketown") ``` --- ### [`flexdashboard`]( * Will you to create dashboards that harness the power of `shiny` but also the simplicity of `R Markdown`. * Can also been used to create stand-alone HTML files with some interactivity. * I [converted the Shiny App we created last time into a `flexdashboard`]( + Let's focus on some of the changes. --- ### So Much More... * There are lots of potential [widgets]( to consider including for inputs. * My apps were **ugly**. Start with ugly apps but then make them pretty! + Pick a better theme: [Flexdashboard themes]( and [shiny themes]( + Use appropriate labels and titles. + Try out several different layouts: [Flexdashboard layouts]( and [shiny layouts]( + Consider adding [HTML]( to further customize the appearance of the UI. With that in mind... --- ### Project 1 #### Big idea: * Create an interactive web application/dashboard using `shiny` or `flexdashboard` or `shinydashboard`. * Make sure to satisfy the requirements (given in the handout). * But then stretch yourself to add new features and a "non-default" look to your app. + Create something you'd want to share in a data science portfolio. * Will have opportunities for feedback from your peers and from the teaching team as you are iterating toward the final product! * Also as part of the project, each group member will write a "data scientist's statement" and reflect on the goals and design choices of the dashboard. --- class: middle, center ## Practice ### Grab the appPractice.Rmd from the shared folder (stat108/live_coding/ShinyApps) on the RStudio Server